A instant cash loan information website has advanced an interesting and novel way of acquiring debt: take a loan out for cooking classes!
The information website on all things short term loans, Paydayloans-uk.org came up with the bright idea in a commentary it published the other day, but does not say whether it is actually being serious or just being tongue in cheek.
Payday loans, it says, are normally taken out for life’s little emergencies and are normally meant to be paid back as soon as possible, otherwise one starts racking up some big interest rates and there is a serious danger of sliding into real debt.
What makes the commentary stand out as being original as the advice to take out an instant cash loan so that one can take up an interesting hobby, with cooking classes as being given as an example.
Now, most of us would wonder why anybody would be so daft as to take out a loan attracting an interest rate of anything up to 4000% per annum for anything so trivial as a cooking class, but these doubts of somebody’s financial priorities and plain common sense are obviously not seen as an impediment by Paydayloans-uk.org.
The payday information portal, obviously full of useful gems of advice, points out that many people with full time jobs often feel that something is missing in their lives. The advice is to find something like a cooking class to focus on.
The website even gives some hints about what sort of cooking class to take a loan out for. They mention the fact that one can sign up for a general cooking skills class or a specialist cooking class like Japanese cooking.
There is obviously a concern that with pay day perhaps being a couple of weeks ago, and the coking class organisers impatient for their course fee, taking out a short term loan to cover the little expense is certainly worthwhile.
It wasn’t that long ago that some short term loans companies were accused of suggesting that people took out loans for tummy tucks, facelifts and holidays to the Canaries. The suggestions caused such a barrage of criticism that they have not been too prominent of late. Perhaps taking out a loan to learn how to cook is a recipe for a satisfying change in lifestyle – even if it gets you into debt!